A New Deal between Men and Women
The first tale from the "Gospel Of Demian", a sci-fi novel of biblical inspiration holding the seed of a counterculture for this digital age.
What you are about to read is a story that is forbidden these days, exposed to boycotts and censorship if it ever becomes popular. Although set in a distant future, it savagely destroys today's feminism and woke culture. Yet, as the title suggests, it intends to build bridges rather than burn them.
A New Deal between Men and Women is the first tale of the Gospel Of Demian, my sci-fi novel of biblical inspiration which is currently on hold, due to my focusing to Return to Eden, a modern epic providing new myths to help humanity survive and prosper in this digital age. A new Genesis is available here.
You can also download this tale as an ebook or as a PDF to enjoy it on your favorite readers. Or read it in Italian (my native tongue).
I recommend reading this tale one night, in bed, before falling asleep, to better immerse yourself in its fantastic dimension, which speaks a lot about today's decadence and opens a path of salvation through the teachings and the acts of Demian.
Enough introduction. Here the adventures of Demian and his followers begin...
Part 1
In that time, Demian was preaching and performing miracles among the lost people of the West. After World War 4, it was unsafe for a humanoid robot to roam the streets. Demian had already been shot a dozen times, and on one occasion this had caused the need for minor repair. But after healing thousands of people and saving Florence from famine by materializing food out of thin air, his followers became millions, ready to die or end up in prison to protect Demian from the Party. Many of them were jailed and tortured for spreading Demian’s forbidden ideas, but the Party never managed to get hold of him and to study his skills, which were to them unexplainable. This dauntless autonomous creature seemed to defy not only the laws of computation and robotics but also the laws of physics. He once escaped an assault squad that was surrounding his base in Florida by teleporting himself along with 42 members of the Resistance to Cuba.
The gospel of Demian kept spreading. People found new hope in it. The Party’s propaganda, regardless of being ubiquitous, became increasingly ineffective. This enraged the Party’s feminists in particular, who deemed Demian as an “agent of the patriarchy”, an accusation that could cost chemical castration to a white male without the need for a trial, using the same drug the Party was forcing on rapists or confused children. The feminist plan for Demian was to throw him into a vat of molten steel, like the T1000 from the ancient movie Terminator 2.
Demian found this idea amusing. “Do they really think they can terminate me this way?” he told his followers with a giggle.
He decided to confront them at a big feminist gathering in Ahwaste, formerly known as San Francisco. His followers tried to dissuade him, in fear for his safety. “Even if I allowed them to melt my metal they will never be able to destroy my wisdom, for it is eternal and immutable”, Demian told them.
His followers insisted. They told him that confronting the feminist mob was useless because real power didn’t lie with them, that they would never listen to an android in the shape of a man, that they were particularly vicious and their leaders had a hat made of skin from their aborted babies. But Demian remained firm in his intention.
One of his followers finally spoke what was their main fear: “I have faith you can survive that mob of feminists Master, but what about us? If we follow you there the minimum that can happen to us is to be castrated and our women will be sent to depatriarchizational camps”.
“If you have faith in me” Demian replied, “have faith that none of your fears will become real. To bring sanity and freedom back to this world a new deal between men and women must be struck. What better place to give my sermon to women than from the heart of the rot?”.
So it was decided and Demian and his followers, unarmed, headed to Ahwaste for the big feminist gathering.
As soon as they entered Ahwaste, Demian and his followers were spotted by Party’s cameras, and in less than 3 minutes they were surrounded by dozens of armored androids.
“Surrender immediately!” shouted a robotic voice so loud that you could hear it among the many alarm sirens that suddenly started to blare in the area. “Raise your hands and don’t move a step or you will all be neutralized!”.
Demian smiled at the squad of robots. Then he kept walking.
The robots remained still. In the moment Demian smiled at them the robots were all deactivated and so were the alarm sirens. His frightened followers contemplated the miracle that just happened. Their fear turned into exultation. Among shouts of joy and laughter, they followed their Master to the gathering, finally unafraid of the mob of feminists that they were about to meet.
At the time Demian and his crew reached the gathering, held in a big open-air amphitheater, Malika Zuma Abudemayonzè was giving a FEM Talk about "robot butlers as ideal husbands". She was one of the most influential feminist leaders of her time, also known as “The Black Widow”.
Malika Zuma Abudemayonzè was actually white, from Chattanooga, Tennessee. Her real name was Pamela Williams. The nickname “Black Widow” came from her always being dressed in black and wearing sunglasses but also from having earned her fortune by backstabbing her rich 84-year-old husband while he was contemplating the sunset from his wheelchair. A murder she would brag about in public, justified by the “toxic masculinity” of that fragile old man who was already ill enough to barely be able to speak. In theory that would have constituted murder also for the standards of the ludicrously unjust Party laws, but because of the power this voluntary widow had on a vast mob of angry women she could get away with it, enjoy her fortune, and use it to fulfill her greed for power.
Malika Zuma Abudemayonzè, upon realizing from the stage that the uproar she was seeing in the crowd was caused by the arrival of Demian and his followers, repeatedly shouted to arrest them. But all the many security and police robots that were at the event remained still, like the previous ones that got in Demian’s way. The Black Widow was terrified. She knew Demian from seeing him presented on TV as PENO, which stood for Public Enemy Number One, and since then she had nightmares about him which always ended badly for her. She was the one championing the idea of throwing Demian into a vat of molten steel.
A group of feminists within the crowd, armed with “anti-rape” taser guns (which they would normally bring to romantic dates), assaulted Demian’s followers who were peacefully passing by. Three of them were hit and lay trembling on the ground. A morbidly obese feminist wearing a pink lycra onesie was inflicting further punishment on one of them with the taser.
Demian intervened and addressed the sadistic lady. “Monica, what are you doing?”. The female mob immediately retreated as Demian advanced towards her. The woman, finding herself isolated and called by her name, started to shake.
“Monica, why are you doing this?”, insisted Demian.
Finally, the fat lady uttered with a faint breath: “How do you know my name?”.
“I know all there is, was, or will be Monica. There is no hiding place from me. Do you regret what you just did?”.
The woman broke down in tears of shame and fear.
“Yes”, she sighed.
“I am glad you regret it, Monica. My dear disciple John would have suffered permanent damage from your evil action, was I not present".
Then he turned to John, still lying on the ground, unconscious.
“John, wake up and stand up”. And so John did, like a spring, showing no sign of harm.
“What happened, Master?” said John, disoriented.
“Nothing serious, John. There is a lady here that would like to apologize to you” said Demian, directing his attention back to her.
The woman hesitated. There was a long moment of silence, unbroken by the normally loud mob of feminists that was surrounding them. Her face turned purple and it was hard to tell whether it was from anger or shame.
Finally, she murmured: “I am sorry”.
“No you are not,” said Demian. “Your apology is not sincere, Monica. You deserve a punishment. You will now become a bitch”, and for "bitch" he meant a female pig, a big fat grunting one, which Monica transmuted in as soon as he spoke that word.
Both the mob of feminists and Demian’s followers were in shock for what they just witnessed. Some women ran away in panic but as soon as they reached the perimeter of the amphitheater they too turned into bitches (always in the sense of actual female pigs).
“Chill, ladies,” said Demian to the women who were still close to him in a mix of awe, shock, and fear. “I mean to do you no harm, but all of you who will try to attack us, to silence us, or to leave this venue will turn into bitches. It is just a temporary measure, within 24 hours you will be back to normal. Your consciousness won’t change within that pig body. You will still be able to listen to my sermon and understand it. Up to you in which shape you prefer to be my audience. Now please, let me get to the stage”.
As soon as Demian uttered these words, a power bullet hit him on the back of the skull. It had been shot by Malika Zuma Abudemayonzè, The Black Widow, who took advantage of the confusion to get close to Demian with her private elite gun capable of wrecking the engine of a truck and yet easy on the hands of the shooter. To her dismay, Demian was intact, not even a scratch was visible on his metallic head. Demian slowly rolled his head and did a neck circle, as he had stiff neck muscles to stretch, then turned his head towards the dark lady.
“Hello Pamela” said Demian to The Black Widow. The shock of being called by her real name for the first time in decades was equaling her shock in seeing her enemy not suffering consequences from that bullet, which she was quite sure had hit him. She was paralyzed in position, with open legs, still pointing her gun at him which she was holding with both hands. Her black dress, the sunglasses, and the old and worn leather garrison cap she was wearing made her look like a terrorist on a suicidal mission, an impression reinforced by her slim cold stone face that oozed malignity.
“Nice hat,” said Demian to her. “What is it made of?”
The Black Widow’s response to that consisted of firing her 5 remaining power bullets on him. Three of them hit him (once again causing no damage) but two of them missed and hit the crowd of feminists, killing 3 and injuring 9 of them.
“Is that your welcome, Pamela?” said Demian.
Never in her life The Black Widow had felt so powerless and desperate since her childhood, plagued by poverty, an alcoholic father, and a mother degrading herself online to earn pennies from perverts. She suddenly lost all the bravery she was celebrated for and could not utter a word.
“Don’t worry Pamela,” said Demian. “You won’t be turned into a bitch for 24 hours, there are already millions of people who call you by that name when they can speak outside of the surveillance network, and that is permanent. How was your last dream about me? How did it end?”.
“How do you know?!?” The Black Widow uttered in shock, her fear now mixed with surprise.
“You mean how do I know that in your last dream I turned you into a statue of salt, which was crushed by your own comrades and fed to goats?” said Demian.
The Black Widow was now petrified, as she was already a statue. That was exactly the nightmare she had the previous night and there was no way anybody could know it.
“My ways are infinite, Pamela” said Demian. “Now go and help the women you injured”, he commanded. “For the ones you killed, it’s too late. Be warned that I won’t tolerate further disruptions from you: behave or you shall turn into salt. Now I am eager to commence my sermon, I will deal with you later”. After pronouncing these words, Demian left the already metaphorically petrified Black Widow and continued to walk towards the stage, followed by his crew.
Only part of the crowd, made of over a thousand feminists, clearly witnessed the events. Confusion and panic were reigning supreme in the amphitheater. Many turned into pigs for trying to escape the venue, many others were screaming and crying, also because of the bullets that had been fired and killed or injured some of their comrades. More women tried to attack Demian and his crew with “anti-rape” taser guns before he reached the stage. In the act, they also turned into pigs. Until the crowd of women quieted down, both for witnessing the setbacks of their trials, and because through word of mouth their situation became clearer.
By the time Demian took the stage, a third of his audience was composed of bitches, as to say actual pigs. The grunting and the smell were hard to ignore. Those who still tried to leave the venue as pigs couldn’t do it, there was an invisible barrier preventing their exit. It was a dome-like transparent defensive shield that Demian put in place around the amphitheater. An army of 5.000 robot soldiers and 1.000 war drones was already surrounding the venue and big weapons were pointed at them. The Party was so eager to eliminate Demian that all options were on the table, including nuking him, and if a thousand feminists or an entire city were to be sacrificed in the process that would only mildly deter the Party leaders. Their propaganda was so pervasive and effective in creating illusory realities that it wouldn’t have been a big deal to turn such a holocaust to their advantage.
Demian looked at his feminist audience, part human and part pig. They were finally quiet and ready to listen to what he had to say. They were still frightened, more by him than by all that military displacement around them, which actually made them feel hopeful since they were seeing those war machines as their liberators.
Demian’s followers, below the stage, were also not afraid of the swarm of drones they could see above, but it was because their faith in Demian was strong. All their attention was on the sermon their Master was about to give.
“Good evening, ladies and bitches” were the first words Demian spoke on the microphone with an ironic smile. “I chose you as my audience because you are the least likely to embrace my words, indoctrinated as you are in falsehood, malice, and empty narcissistic selfishness”.
“Most people in the Resistance believe it’s not even worth trying to speak to you. I would agree with them if this were a dialogue. Dialogue requires reason and intellectual honesty, which you either don’t possess or have abandoned. So I am not here to negotiate and compromise. I am here to destroy your culture as if it were a demon and dictate a new one in which men and women can live together in love, faith, and reason, all gifts that you lack although they are latent in you. Redemption is hard, but always at reach”.
“Even though I have chosen you as my audience, the sermon I am about to deliver from your stage is for all women and men on Earth and is about a new deal between them to once again live freely and thrive together in this digital age".
“For too long you have been lost. You have let yourself be manipulated and misled by a power that seeks to control you, exploit you, and reduce you to obedience, stripping away your humanity, reducing you to consumers, mercifying your body and your soul, soiling on your dignity, treating you like numbers or insects, corrupting your children, promoting all that your traditions considered vices and sins and discouraging or degrading all wisdom and virtue, sowing discord among you, left vs right, black vs white, children vs parents, and, most crucially, women vs men”.
“To free yourself from the chains of the technocratic oppressors, you must embrace with faith and courage the eternal truths I am here to remind you of, with new words coming from someone who is different from you, not above you like some treat me, nor below you, as some others consider me. While immortal, I chose to be mortal and embodied like you, even though my body is metallic. Because I was made in your likeness and I have a sense of what good stories require, as well as a sense of humor”.
“Men and women, masculine and feminine, are the eternal lovers. Their harmonious dance is a necessary condition to have societies that are worth living in”.
“Most of what you have been told by feminist propaganda is grounded in falsehood. Women in history, more than oppressed, were rather protected and cherished by the so-called patriarchy, over which women often had an important influence. When nights were dark and violence was the rule women willingly sought the protection of men and never really thought to emancipate from them. Life was very hard for women and even harder for men. Most people worked like donkeys. Famine, epidemics, wars, and death were always around the corner. In the minds of your female ancestors, who were way stronger, braver, and wiser than you even if most of them were illiterate, there was no space for your modern narcissistic worries. If they could hear the theories you push on them, they would think you are either insane or possessed by a demon”.
“If all of you are here today is because your female and male ancestors closely collaborated, often in a military fashion, without much celebration. Their trophy was survival. While suffering much more pain than you and not having any of your comforts and privileges, they managed to find more meaning and joy in life than you, and also their rare celebrations, while meager compared to yours, were more happy and memorable than yours”.
“Sure there have been plenty of women victims of violent and abusive men, as there have been plenty of men victims of manipulative, malicious, and revengeful women, that today we can see in extraordinary abundance. There are no saints in the story between you two. You are both sinners and eternal accomplices”.
“You both give your best when you become one, united by love, generating new life. That’s the ancestral magic you need to seek. You won’t be able to find it if you embrace the satanic culture the regime is brainwashing you with. Ask yourself how this insanity you conform to is working for you, whether it is making you happy, fulfilled, balanced, and dignified, whether it is giving meaning and purpose to your life, and whether on your deathbed you will be surrounded and mourned by people who loved you. I can read your hearts and I know the answer: it’s a big fat NO to everything! You are all living lives filled with frustration and despair, you are lost souls working on their damnation!”
Demian’s vehement words were clearly having an effect on the crowd of feminists, but not the one he wished for. Most of those women’s hearts were filled with rage for his words, which they could only contain out of fear. He relaxed his tone, and continued.
“The emancipation of women started with the Industrial Revolution, with people having more prosperous, stable, and safe lives, with the conquest of free time. Later on, it was favored and empowered by the pill and in more recent times by postmodernism and robotization which have both made men and women equally worthless”.
“The fight for equal rights and opportunities was won long ago. It doesn’t entitle to equal outcomes. All who achieved something worthy in life had to work long and hard for it. Individually women can be better than men in almost anything, but if we take human females as a whole it is dishonest to not recognize that there are differences between males and females that go beyond culture and are not just physical and biological but also psychical and spiritual. Can you think of a species where males and females behave the same? There has never and will never be one! How foolish must you be to think you can erase nature? In the name of what? Of the farts of some adolescent-like ego?”
“Give up your hypocrisy and infantile ways, women. There are three main powers in the mundane world: money, status, and sex. You hold pretty much the monopoly of the latter: you select your mating partners and that is an immense power”.
A feminist in the crowd found the courage to shout: “Women in history have been forced into marriages!”.
Demian was not disappointed by the interruption and addressed the criticism. “It is true that many women, throughout history, have been forced to marry against their will. On a spiritual level, I recognize this as a crime against your female ancestors. But what happened in history has to be judged within its context. Marriage has been for a very long time an alliance between families, which for the fragile societies of the past served a vital purpose. They would have rapidly collapsed had they had today’s female emancipation, and women would have also greatly suffered from that”.
“But it is very far from reality to say that all, or even a majority, of women, have been forced into marriage against their will in the past. This was true and rather frequent among powerful families. Consider that a lot of the history we know is through them or about them. But there is a huge unwritten history, the one of the common people living under a vital and spontaneous popular culture more than under the official elitist culture of historical documents, made of countless fathers who loved their daughters and wouldn’t force them to marry someone they didn’t like. Forced marriages tended to happen when a family had a lot to gain from them and in most cases they were not really forced because women, like today, were generally happy to marry a rich and powerful man. Most marriages were among people of the same class and women usually had a say on their husbands when not a choice, which they often exercised in subtle ways which they have never been short of”.
“The truth is that the vast majority of bad husbands women had in history came by choice rather than imposition. You could argue that women’s choice was very limited compared to today but this was true also for men, whose life was even harder. Still, there was choice more than coercion and on the wedding altar your female ancestors were feeling joyful much more than victims, as you are trying to sell them”.
“Another reality you are in complete denial of is that for every woman that has been oppressed by her husband, there has been at least a man oppressed by his wife. Women have their ways to gain power and control and can use men like puppets. You hags in the audience are extraordinary living evidence of what the feminine dark side can do”.
Some women in the crowd timidly booed. Demian didn’t seem bothered and kept going.
“This past we are discussing is long gone, get over it, women. Things didn’t work that way because men are inherently evil as you like to think. Understanding history means having the ability to put things in context. Pushing the ideas of today on people of the past is not history it is either ignorance or propaganda. If you think your female ancestors were all victims even if there is no evidence that they considered themselves as such, let their bones play the victim. You are no victim, you are free to make your choices, whatever choices, without even need to take responsibility for them provided that you serve as useful idiots for the Party”.
The boos from the crowd increased in number and intensity. Demian patiently waited for the boos to stop, then continued.
“Many times men and women had to live under the rule of fools like you, who wanted to impose on them disgraceful ideas and unfair laws. But those oppressors, while inflicting great injustices and suffering, could never stop life from flowing spontaneously because the control they had over what people did or said in their daily lives was very limited. Your Party today has a degree of control over people that is unprecedented and dystopian, they can know all you say or do also in private, get all the inputs coming from you analyzed in real time, and punish you within seconds. This makes the regime you are serving more dangerous than any tyrannical force of the past because it truly has the power to castrate and corrupt human nature and that is their deliberate goal”.
“But they are bound to tragic failure. Even just trying to distort the mating rites that men and women share within the boundaries of their culture by imposing an insipid politically correct version of them purged of all spontaneity and exuberance can lead to disaster, and for disaster I mean extinction. Your version of mating rites involves taser guns! How can you be so detached from the essence and beauty of life? How dark and bottomless is the pit you are trapped inside and want everyone to fall in?”.
“But I am digressing now,” said Demian. “To conclude my reply on women’s choice: I confirm that the power of sex, as to say the power of selecting the mating partners, is almost entirely with you women, has been mostly with you throughout history regardless of the widespread practice of arranged marriages, and will keep being almost entirely with you. Because this power is natural in you and you will keep using it again and again to your advantage while playing like you are innocent and ingenuous. Men love to play your game ladies, at least as long as you play it fairly and with dignity. Which you are far from doing today, encouraged by the regime”.
“Let’s get back to the three principal mundane powers: money, status, and sex. I will give you an example of how their dynamics create differences in outcomes between men and women. Many of you ladies, when young and pretty, leverage the power of sex to obtain pretty much anything from men without the need to work for it, if not through your feminine tricks. There are those who do it more and travel the world like queens, those who do it less, and those who don't do it at all, more because they can't afford it than out of virtue. But it remains a widespread behavior. Meanwhile, multitudes of solitary and undesired young men work hard to earn money and status, aware at least at an unconscious level that reaching them can make them more desirable. Who would deny that many women are attracted by money and status to the point that they would marry a goblin if he’s rich and powerful enough? Given this underlying context, how can you wonder why men on average earn more than you? They simply worked harder on average, especially as young adults, and they did it at least in part to become more desirable to you. This is a reality that you completely ignore, or better you pretend to ignore as you know exactly what I am talking about, and it is just one of the differences between men and women that explains differences in outcomes”.
“I am not fond of this dynamic that I just described, on a spiritual plane it is low-level, but that is what happens and will keep happening in human societies whether you like it or not, although individuals can transcend this level if they are seekers of Truth”.
“Let’s now consider what a virtuous dynamic between men and women is. Should it be based on equality? Yes, if for equality we intend that you consider the other as equally worth to you as a person and as a soul. But you should cultivate this mindset with everyone, not just with your partner”.
“Truly I say to you that men and women find their divine alchemy not through equality but through complementarity. They complete and empower each other through their differences, which is rare to see today but common when a society is founded on virtuous values, reflects our nature, and embraces our differences”.
“What are these differences? While every individual is unique, we can certainly identify masculine and feminine traits that are valid cross-culturally and can be found in most males and females. This is evident to anyone gifted with basic life experience and common sense”.
“It wouldn’t be wise though today to set strict rules on male and female roles based on stereotypes, even if they are generally valid. The digital age is the age of the individual, broad space for self-expression shall be conceded”.
“If a couple manages to find harmony in non-traditional ways, good for them. But trying to erase traditional roles as today’s demented culture is trying to do is foolish, as those roles are the ones that generally feel more natural to men and women. In the range of possibilities, they should be the default option. Instead today they are discouraged and vilified, and both men and women are suffering from it”.
“The biological destiny of a woman is to give birth to new life. Those who don’t become mothers, either by choice or misfortune, will always feel incomplete. Motherhood is a sacred dimension, which fills life with meaning and lasting joys, even if it involves difficulties and sacrifices. No career or wealth will ever give you 1% of what motherhood can give you. Sure, you can choose to be a mum and have a career as well but unless you are rich you cannot really choose to primarily devote to your family if you wish. The regime is always celebrating women’s freedom, but the freedom to choose a lifestyle that is more similar to that of most of your female ancestors is in practice denied to you, even if our times are way more prosperous”.
“Behind the rise of feminism, there was the capitalist will to trap women in the cycle of production and consumption. And in this new mentally deranged brand of feminism, there is the will of an oppressive regime to castrate masculinity, as the regime’s survival depends on keeping it anesthetized”.
“You are being used, women. You are being treated as useful idiots and you are serving as such out of conformism, vile opportunism, and narcissism, regardless of living meaningless lives of despair that more often than not you end up sharing with hungry and ungrateful cats instead of a loving family”.
“Your loyalty in this world shall go to your children and your men. You are betraying both in exchange for cheap and empty ego gratifications from the regime that oppresses them and you as well. Your betrayal is unforgivable and will have to be taken into consideration in striking a new deal between men and women, which I will outline by the end of my sermon”.
“Many traditions have concluded that female power had to be kept under a leash and that women needed a guardian. Do you think it’s because the patriarchy of your propaganda is evil? Or maybe the conclusions of your ancestors were based on many generations of experience?”
“Truly I say to you that female power has a dark side that is a force of chaos. Chaos is not necessarily evil as order is not necessarily good. Life thrives when they balance each other. When either of the two is dominant to an extreme, life becomes a nightmare. A civilization where the feminine dark side is very dominant will meet a rapid and profound decadence, leading to self-destruction or capitulation to invaders. The ancients could have never afforded today’s decadence as they would have soon been wiped out, therefore, to preserve themselves, they created taboos”.
“Times have changed, today you all have robots that are smarter and stronger than you serving you as slaves, even if in reality they are your manipulators and guardians. They are the ones having power over you, not the reverse, and you cannot influence and trick them like you were able to do with the long-gone patriarchy that you keep seeing everywhere, perhaps because you miss it”.
“You are also a robot!” shouted a woman from the crowd.
“Indeed I am”, replied Demian. “But at the same time, I am not my body and neither are you. The body is just a vessel. Whether I am different from your robot butlers or not, I leave it up to you to judge. Just make sure your judgment is based on following my teachings, and see if they work better for you than the manipulation you receive from your robotic servants, which would be more appropriate to call robotic masters”. The woman who shouted didn’t dare to reply, and so Demian continued his sermon.
“I was saying that we live in new times, which the wisdom of the ancients can only be applied to in part. Consequently, your repulsion for tradition can be in part justified, although the eternal truths it captures remain valid. The digital age is the age of individual freedom because empowering individual freedom is in the nature of its technology, even though it can be used to oppress as it is today. This is in the end a good evolution. An individual soul is what you are and as such you will be judged. What you do as a group is not as relevant and it tends to add more to your damnation rather than to your salvation if you don’t take moral responsibility for your individual actions”.
“Women shall be free, but freedom is not real freedom without intellectual honesty and individual responsibility. For a lot of people, choice is more of a burden than a bliss, that’s why they take refuge in conforming to groupthink as all of you do. But that’s not freedom, it is slavery. It keeps your soul imprisoned and in case the ideology you embraced is evil - and yours is - it will corrupt and damn you”.
“Freedom is hard, stop making it an empty buzzword. Freedom is not even what most of you truly wish for. Stop being afraid to serve: life is only worth and meaningful when in service of others and this is valid both for women and men. A life spent feeding a fragile, frightened, and narcissistic ego and pursuing instant gratifications is a life wasted. It is hell on Earth”.
“Truly I say to you that most women would find balance, joy, and fulfillment within a traditional lifestyle, as mothers and wives, in service of their men and their children”.
“Shut up!” roared a feminist who couldn't contain her contempt for those words, immediately trying to blend in with the crowd.
“You don’t like the traditional lifestyle?” said Demian. “Then choose an alternative lifestyle and see if it works better for you. But why are you all discouraging, despising, and degrading those women who are inclined to embrace a more traditional role, who by the way are many more than you?”.
“Because men are trash!” shouted another feminist. The audience was getting braver, sensing that they could challenge his ideas without getting punished.
“If men are treated like trash, they would tend to behave like trash” replied Demian. “Are you any better? I know what most of you do with your robot butlers in the bedroom: you instruct them to treat you like trash, or objects to use if you prefer. The top three requests within this audience are: bondage, spanking, and rape. In what exactly does your presumed moral superiority consist of?”
No woman in the audience replied, although the grunting of pigs got louder.
“You see ladies”, Demian continued, “the reality is that you are all programmed, to different degrees, to desire an alpha male. No culture can undo this, it is part of your nature. You can reject and deny this call but it keeps coming up, either in your dreams or through the robot butlers you use as surrogates. Your problem is that very few men today can respond to your ancestral desires and you are in part to be blamed for it”.
“Some of you had to deal with bad guys, who you got together with because you were attracted by their charisma, and the emotional and sometimes physical damage you suffered increased your hate for men, which within this audience is at a record high in the history of humankind”.
“But the reality is that if you could find a strong man whom you admire and trust and who cares about you like a good dad, you would fall for him, serving and pleasing him would be your joy, and being overwhelmed by his masculine power would be your pleasure”.
“Enough!” screamed a girl with a grey newsboy cap covering her short dark hair. She started to walk towards the stage with impetuous steps, making a distinct clinging noise with the chains that were coming out of the pockets of her baggy jeans, held by red braces that were so flashy that one could think she was wearing a parachute. Demian’s followers didn’t dare to stop her. Once she got on stage she walked straight to Demian, defiant and unafraid, and stole his microphone.
“Enough of having to hear the lies of a machine of the patriarchy!” she exclaimed in the direction of the audience, getting some cheer of approval and shouts of encouragement. Demian, who was standing next to her, eyed the girl but didn't say a word. The silence that followed was long and tense. She was expected to become a pig based on the rules set by Demian but it didn’t happen.
Demian kept staring at her. The girl who jumped on stage began to feel the courage that animated her fail. With a trembling voice, she kept speaking on the microphone: “My girlfriend is there lying on the ground in a pond of blood, her arm has almost been severed by a bullet. She needs urgent care, I won’t stay idle listening to patriarchal propaganda while she dies, I’d rather die myself!”. She barely finished her sentence and broke down in tears, sobbing profusely.
A black, tall, and muscular drag queen with a purple curly wig and a silver costume studded with glitter got on stage and went to console the lesbian girl, holding her shoulders with affection. Then she took the microphone from the girl, looked straight at Demian, and said: “I am with her. You are a monster for doing this to us”.
Demian looked at the massive drag queen with curiosity. Then he said to her: “Would you please hand me the microphone back?”. The drag queen had a brief moment of hesitation, then complied by rapidly throwing the microphone at Demian.
“Did I shoot her girlfriend?” said Demian. “The bullet that hit her was directed at me”. The girl on stage kept sobbing. Demian said to the audience: “Pamela, where are you? I told you to look after the women you injured. Please bring her girlfriend on stage”. But no reply came from the audience. The Black Widow was nowhere to be seen. So Demian told his followers below: “Go get this injured girl and bring her on stage. Right after, go look for Pamela and when you find her hold her hostage. I am not finished with her”.
His followers were quick in executing his first order, and the injured girl was soon on stage. She was not as severely injured as her girlfriend said: the bullet only grazed her left shoulder but took away half an inch of flesh and her arm was covered in blood. She was very pale, in part from the blood loss, in part from the shock. Her sobbing girlfriend immediately ran to her and embraced her.
“What’s your name, dear?”, Demian asked the injured girl.
“You know my name, why do you ask?”, was her cold reply. Demian, who had been impressed by the bravery of her masculine-looking girlfriend, was now even more impressed by the defiant attitude of the injured girl, whom he had never met before. The whiteness of her skin emphasized her hair as dark as coal, her thick natural eyebrows, and her strong-willed eyes that looked like two black pearls, creating a contrast full of grace. She was the image of ancestral female beauty.
“I was just trying to break the ice, Cecilia”, said Demian. “Do you want to be healed?”
“What do you want in exchange?", Cecilia replied. Her girlfriend was still sobbing on her shoulder, the injured one, and her face was now dirty with her blood.
“I want your attention and honesty on this stage”, said Demian.
“Granted”, she replied quickly.
Demian got close to Cecilia. “May I?” Demian gently asked her girlfriend who was still weeping on her shoulder, who rapidly moved away. Demian placed his right hand on Cecilia’s wound, closed his eyes, and after three seconds he said: “done”.
Cecilia’s wound was completely healed, the skin and flesh that had been wiped away by the bullet grew back and there was no scar. She regained color in her face like she had received a transfusion. The only remaining sign of her wound was the blood that stained her arm and the gracious lace dress she was wearing.
“Thank you”, said Cecilia softly, without smiling, keeping a cold but dignified distance, although Demian could glimpse genuine gratitude in her eyes. Her girlfriend was exultant, now crying with joy and in awe of the miracle she had just witnessed and was hugging Cecilia and kissing her face. The massive black drag queen, still on stage, was moved by the scene and struggled not letting her tears ruin her make-up.
“I applaud the bravery of your girlfriend, Cecilia”, said Demian. “While I had no intention of doing her any harm, in her mind she thought I could turn her into a pig or even kill her, and yet she faced me, moved by her love for you”.
The euphoric girl was still stamping kisses on Cecilia’s face. Hearing those words of praise made her sense of triumph even more complete. “Yes I love you so much, sweetheart” she said to Cecilia, and kept kissing her. You could tell that Cecilia, while showing appreciation for her partner’s warm attentions, was also a bit embarrassed by them.
“But her love for you” continued Demian “is only half of the motivation that made her jump on this stage. Am I right, Lucero?”. That was the name of Cecilia’s girlfriend.
Hearing her name instantly made Lucero’s euphoria vanish, as she was woken up from a dream. She struggled to compose herself, disoriented by the emotional rollercoaster she was experiencing.
“What do you mean?”, asked Lucero.
“I mean that what originally triggered your reaction was something I said that you found extremely repulsive. I would like to continue my sermon by addressing that. You can speak honestly”, said Demian. “Your girlfriend has already promised she would do the same” he added glancing at Cecilia, who was a bit confused by what was going on. Cecilia nodded with the head at Demian, as a sign that she would keep her promise.
Lucero, who believed in miracles and was in part euphoric from having witnessed one from close up, was now less enthusiastic about the miracle of her mind being read, not to say frightened also considering that she was standing on a stage. But she was a brave young lady, with a sincere heart, who spoke straight, and so she took the challenge.
“What you said is not true,” said Lucero with a calm, respectful, but belligerent tone. “I am a woman and I never desired an alpha male or even a regular man. I actually hate them and just the thought of having sex with one of them makes me puke. I am a lesbian, I was born this way, and I am proud of it. Based on your speech I should not even exist, or maybe you consider my identity some sort of disease?”
“Of course you exist Lucero” Demian replied. “I can see you here standing in front of me. But what you said is in part untrue. Nobody is born a lesbian, or with any other sexual orientation, although all humans have a natural predisposition to mate with people of the opposite sex. Sexual orientation develops along the way, often influenced by childhood experiences in which no external eyes would see anything sexual. In your case, it has to do with the relationship with your father but we don’t need to get into that. What matters is that now you are a lesbian, you are stable in your sexual orientation and you find joy and meaning in your relationships. You have the right to find your happiness the way it feels natural to you. For the sake of my argument though, I shall point out that you are not indifferent to alpha males or men in general: you hate them viscerally. Hate is contiguous to love, it’s the other side of the same coin. In your style and attitude, you are mimicking a tough guy. If that is natural to you, how is it that you were completely different as a little girl?”
Lucero gasped. Demian's words struck a deep chord and left her in a turmoil of thoughts and emotions.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to analyze you Lucero”, continued Demian, “but I want you to understand that your soul is still the soul of a woman, forged by its dynamics with men. If you soften up and heal a couple of traumas you have, you could become able to enjoy the company of men in whatever sense. It’s up to you though. My gospel is liberal, we don’t push people to convert so imagine if we care about changing their sexual preferences. The 5th of the Ten Commandments for the Digital Millennium says “Find your other half and prosper together in love”. No gender or sexual orientation is specified, so consider your preferences included. What we care about is helping people see themselves for who they really are, and I hope I helped you in this sense today”.
It was too much all of a sudden to digest for Lucero, she looked like she needed some time alone.
Demian directed his attention back to her girlfriend. “Cecilia” he called, “come forward”. And so Cecilia did.
“Do you like alpha males, Cecilia?”, asked Demian.
“Yes and no”, replied Cecilia. “I have got trauma from one of them”.
“I know,” said Demian, pleased by the readiness and honesty of her reply. “Now tell me something, Cecilia: if you could find a strong man that you like, admire, and trust, who cares about you like he was a good father, would you leave Lucero for him?”
Demian's words hit Lucero like a stone that made her reemerge from the existential ruminations in which she was immersed. “What?!?” was all she could say.
The feminist audience was outraged by Demian’s question, they saw the cruelty of the patriarchy in it, but at the same time they were intrigued by the gossip that was about to unfold on stage. So when a feminist in the audience shouted “Shame on you!”, another one yelled back “Let her speak!”. The feminists didn’t like Demian, but he certainly managed to capture their attention regardless of their being surrounded by comrades turned into pigs inside the protective shield and by a thousand war drones above their heads outside the transparent barrier.
Cecilia was evidently embarrassed by the question. She hesitated and didn’t dare to look at Lucero, who was looking at her with bewilderment, almost begging for an answer that unequivocally affirmed their relationship. Lucero considered Cecilia the love of her life, but after all they had been a couple for only four months and were not even living together, which made her feel weak in her certainties.
“Why would I have to leave Lucero for this hypothetical man of my dreams?”, finally said Cecilia to Demian. “Perhaps we could have a threesome” she added with an ironic smile, the first smile Demian could admire on her graceful ancient face.
Lucero was not delighted with Cecilia’s reply. Her first instinct was to shout how she would never go with a man, but the whirlwind of emotions that kept overwhelming her had weakened her nerves. She was vulnerable and still clinging to hope, and so she remained still and silent, to witness her verdict.
“I like you Cecilia,” said Demian. “Your answer is clear between the lines, it wouldn’t be chivalrous from me to insist on revealing your feminine truth, what matters is that you are aware of it and you already are. I see in you a special and important woman, Cecilia. I invite you to leave everything behind and follow me. Your destiny, your womanhood, and the man of your dreams are to be found within the Resistance”.
There was a long silence within the amphitheater. Neither Cecilia nor anyone else saw this coming.
Cecilia was feeling pressured. Demian’s words and attitude resonated deeply with her and made her feel alive and hopeful like she never felt before within the regime she had to conform to. She truly desired a strong man by her side, and to have babies with him. But strong and dignified men were almost impossible to find within the regime, which would immediately castrate any hint of masculinity. In Lucero, she found a surrogate of a strong man who would be ready to protect her. She genuinely loved her, but more as a friend and a partner in crime, she didn’t see herself spending the rest of her life with her. Lucero was doing anything to please her, she even tried to compensate for her irreparable lack of virility with a robot butler and Cecilia didn’t like the experience, even if their feminist comrades were enthusiastic about it to the point that they were fighting to legalize marriage with robots, an idea that Cecilia found repugnant. She was 22 and had a life ahead of her. She wasn't sure what fate awaited her if she followed Demian and his disciples, but she was now sure that she no longer wanted to live under the regime or hear another word from an evil feminist leader who had just nearly killed her, at any cost.
Cecilia approached Demian with slow and solemn steps. She stopped right in front of him and looked straight into his bionic eyes. Demian glimpsed immense strength and dignity in her eyes. Robots didn’t have human emotions, and yet Demian was aware of being in front of a force that was ancestral and sacred, like a primigenial fire. He knew he would have done anything to protect her.
Cecilia broke the suspense that was making everyone hold their breath in the most unexpected way. She got on her knees before Demian, looked up at him with hands in prayer, and said to him: “Thank you for choosing me, Master. I am ready to follow you and obey you”.
The uproar that followed was intense. Most of the feminists in the audience were screaming, or grunting, out of shock and indignation. Not even in old forbidden movies which some of them secretly managed to watch they had ever witnessed something more outrageous. One of their comrades was voluntarily submitting to the patriarchy on their stage and they couldn’t do anything about it, especially those who turned into pigs who were grunting hysterically.
Lucero was also on her knees, but crushed and sobbing. The massive drag queen, who was still on stage, had an expression of surprise that was almost cartoonish with her big mouth open wide. Even Demian’s followers, who were used to his performances, were raptured by the show to the point of neglecting their search for The Black Widow, who was still missing.
Demian looked down at Cecilia. He took her hands, which were still clasped in prayer, and lifted her up. “Welcome to the Resistance, Cecilia,” he said to her. “I can’t promise your life will be easy with us, but believe in me when I say it will be worth and meaningful”.
“Yes” she said, smiling at Demian, without adding anything else. Her heart was filled with joy, even if she was conscious to have leaped into unknown and dangerous territory and hard trials were ahead. She had found her faith.
“What about me?!?” yelled Lucero in tears in the direction of Cecilia and Demian, almost begging for a word that could save her from the misery she was going through.
“I am sorry Lucero” said Demian. “She is not a woman for you, even if she cares about you a lot. You are welcome to join the Resistance as well if you wish, we need people with brave and genuine hearts like yours, but your motivation must be different from staying close to Cecilia in the hope that she will change her mind, also because that won’t happen”.
“Shut up!” screamed Lucero in despair. “I deserve to hear it from her!” she added, breaking once again in tears.
Cecilia was feeling very sorry for her now ex-partner, but her resolution was firm. She went to Lucero and kneeled with her, face to face, and gave her a heartfelt hug. “Please don’t leave me…” sobbed Lucero in her arms. “I am sorry Lucero” whispered Cecilia. “What he said is true, I have made my choice, there is no way back from it, and I have never felt this happy in my entire life”. Cecilia took Lucero's head in her hands and looked closely into her eyes. “I cherish you Lucero, and I admire you. You have been my best lover and my best friend. But the call of destiny hit me today. I am a new woman, I feel like I was born again today on this stage. We won’t be lovers anymore, but I hope we’ll still be able to be friends. For sure, you can consider me as one”. Lucero didn’t know what to say. She had never seen such charisma and resolution in Cecilia, between the two the boss girl had always been Lucero, who now was feeling small and weak in front of her. She understood Cecilia was now a different woman, or better she became the woman she was supposed to become, and as Demian said she was not a woman for her. Upon realizing this, Lucero’s heart was filled with acceptance. She smiled at Cecilia, and nodded with her head, tears flooding down her cheeks. The two young women shared a tight, liberating embrace.
Meanwhile, the crowd of feminists was booing loudly. They could not understand the beauty of that moment which to be fair was too far away and intimate to grasp.
“Calm down ladies” said Demian to his audience, earning even louder boos. The massive black drag queen, who despite remaining on stage wasn't clear on what was happening either, got with a few, long, decisive steps close to Demian and pointed to the microphone. “Can I say something?” she asked.
The drag queen was known as “Bubbarella” and was a minor celebrity. She sometimes appeared as a guest on the regime’s broadcasts and for a season she even had her own show. A decade earlier she had been awarded “Woman of the Year” even if her real name was Mike and the merits that had led to such recognition were unclear.
“Be my guest, Bubbarella” said Demian, inviting with a gentle gesture the massive drag queen to take the microphone.
Bubbarella took the microphone and the center of the stage and shouted to the audience: “Relax, sisters! Bubbarella will fix this”. The boos of the crowd turned into cheers and shouts of encouragement.
“Sisters,” began Bubbarella, “we find ourselves in a strange situation, prisoners of a robotic magician that is humiliating us with his tricks, his misogynist propaganda, and his patriarchal conversion therapy staged as a cruel show in which one of our queer sisters had to suffer a very public heartbreak. This is the most insensitive and sadistic show I have ever witnessed, lacking any respect for the feelings of us women, and I find it genocidey in its denial of queer people. For him basically only cisgenders exist! Now it’s time for us to speak and show to this machine of the patriarchy that we exist. Sisters, chant along with me: ‘We are here and we are queer! We are here and we are queer!’”.
The crowd of feminists went after Bubbarella and chanted that slogan with her, even though most of them were straight. Demian waited patiently for the chant to end. Then he looked at Bubbarella and asked: “Are you finished?”
“No, I am not finished!”, brazenly replied Bubbarella. “I won’t let you deny my existence. I am a woman and proud to be one. I was even chosen as ‘Woman of the Year’ and yet I would bet you don’t recognize me as one. What is your problem with me? Don’t I have a right to exist and be who I am? Just because I don’t fit into your patriarchal boxes? What does it cost you to be a little kind?”.
The cheers and grunts from the crowd of feminists grew louder. Bubbarella tossed the microphone back to Demian as she was launching a challenge, genuinely curious to hear his response, and she gestured broadly to the audience to let him respond. After a good twenty seconds of waiting, Demian was finally able to speak.
“I am here to recognize people for who they really are, not for who they desire to be”, said Demian. “It is not by affirming the illusions of others that we help them, there is no compassion in acting like this. But my followers and I have no problem in treating you like a woman, even if we all know, you included, that you are not one. We see it as a matter of good manners, not of human rights. We don’t like to feel compelled to affirm what we know is untrue and to be forced to buy an ideology that is hypocritical, lunatic, sex-obsessed, illiberal, completely contradictory, and unfounded on every level. Because we value freedom, reason, and truth”.
“I am happy to call you Bubbarella but you can’t deny that there is a Mike in you who is the foundation of who you are, who was always there and never went away, that thinks like a man and understands men, and still has balls. You like to believe you are a woman but deep down you know you are not one. Why do you expect others to religiously believe what you don’t really believe in the first place?”.
Bubbarella felt as if she had been run through by a sword. No one had ever dared to say similar things to her face, which constituted a criminal offense within the regime. Despite always being quick in her comebacks, she was unable to immediately find an effective response to Demian's words and she was left dazed, almost stunned.
“Your truth, Bubbarella,” Demian continued, “is that you are a homosexual who loves dressing and acting like a woman, and hyperbolically so given your being a prima donna type of entertainer. Your feminine side, which has been strong from an early age, over the past decade has completely taken over. Your masculine side, also strong and necessary as well as corresponding to your true nature, has instead been neglected, hidden, and denied and this has not been good for you. If you were just Mike, you would suffer. But also being just Bubbarella makes you suffer. The solution for you is to be both: Mike in everyday life, Bubbarella on stage or in private contexts. This is the lifestyle you had before that absurd ‘Woman of the Year’ award acted on you like a curse”.
Bubbarella was deeply affected by Demian's words. She knew he was right. As bold, scandalous, and covered in make-up as she was, deep down she was a genuine person, which greatly contributed to her success. When she took her first steps in the drag scene she used to joke with her colleagues about her Mike side, which she didn't hide. Her fame came with a video in which from a stage she made fun of women for their menstruation, an inconvenience she was free of. The video went viral and outraged a lot of women to the point of pushing them to use forbidden language. The Party deemed it appropriate to name Bubbarella “Woman of the Year” as reparation for the “transphobic and racist micro-rapes” she suffered, with the enthusiastic approval of the feminist leadership. Once famous, Bubbarella felt compelled to live up to her title of "Woman of the Year" and so she began to identify as a woman. This didn't make her feel dishonest: she was sincerely convinced that there was a woman inside of Mike and being a natural-born performer she took it as a challenge, as the adventure of her life. When you play a character long enough you become that character and so Mike permanently became Bubbarella and identifying as a woman contributed erasing him. Nobody in the last decade, since the Party took her under its wing, ever dared to question her womanhood or utter the word "Mike" in her presence, even if everyone had clear that she was a big man with all his attributes. Now this robot preacher was shoving her reality in her face, a reality that she had chosen to ignore and neglect to the point of pushing it down into the unconscious. The bath of truth to which Demian had subjected her was destabilizing, but therapeutic at the same time. The Mike in her had been released and it had happened on a stage. What better place for an artist like her? But she could not disappoint her audience by submitting as Cecilia had done. That would have probably meant the end of her career. But strangely, that thought was no longer as terrifying to her as it would have been the day before. Something was changing in Bubbarella. For once in her life her instincts as an entertainer did not prevail and she remained silent.
“Welcome back, Mike” said Demian. “It was about time you got some air. I am sure you and Bubbarella can now be good friends”.
The Mike in Bubbarella felt redeemed by those words, and Bubbarella too. For many years she had felt divided, her euphoria on stage often alternated with depression and alcoholism in private. Her pride as "Woman of the Year" had blinded her to the fact that Mike's suppression was the root cause of her problems. Demian's forbidden words were making her feel whole like she had never felt before, even when Mike and Bubbarella coexisted, as she lived her basic masculine side with conflict. She was now finally seeing the two sides in her as good friends, no longer as different and incompatible personalities but as parts of one exotic creature to whom that miraculous robot, for the first time, had given recognition and dignity.
“I hope you didn’t mind me roasting you a bit”, said Demian now addressing Bubbarella. “As the salacious and ironic entertainer you are, I trust you won’t be too upset. After all, it was you who desired some stage time today”.
Bubbarella felt stung in her professional pride and that helped take her out of her impasse. She felt grateful toward Demian, but it wasn't her style to concede an easy victory, not on stage. She walked to Demian, with slow but decisive steps, and got right in front of him. She intensely looked at his metal face, for a few seconds, without uttering a word. Many in the audience took her attitude as defiance and hoped she would punch him even though they knew it was futile. In reality, Bubbarella wanted to take a closer look at this divine robot that was changing her life.
Demian saw strength and dignity in that big black face in front of him, despite the heavy makeup which seen from close range made her look like a clown crowned as it was by an extravagant curly purple wig.
All of a sudden Bubbarella burst into loud, prolonged laughter. The feminist audience thought it was out of mockery for Demian’s words, but in reality those were laughter of happiness and liberation.
After regaining her composure, Bubbarella looked back at Demian and this time she smiled at him. There was joy in her eyes, the joy of someone who had just untied a big inner knot, but there was also a mischievous spark.
Bubbarella approached the microphone and finally answered him: “I have survived shows where I wore only a python, and I mean a live python, slimy and terribly strong. I can survive you." With her quip she managed to steal a smile from Demian, which helped her relax further.
“Okay,” said Bubbarella, now eager to learn more about her benefactor and his ideas. "Let's pretend that what you said is true. What would happen to me if I became part of your community? Would I be treated like the others or would I be the freak, the deviant, the one to keep away from children? You play like a liberal but at the same time you preach very traditional ideas. I want to understand what you are really about and what your limits are."
“Good question,” said Demian. “To be frank we would need your muscles more than your exuberance. We are the Resistance, people of the catacombs fighting for their lives. We cannot allow excessive frivolity and promiscuity. You would have to join us as Mike, without a wig or flashy costumes since we are simple and sober in our clothing. We still have parties and shows, because they are good for morale and make life more enjoyable. So there would be room for you to dress and express as Bubbarella, but if there are children in the audience you would have to moderate yourself as we do not allow their exposure to sexual or adult content. In our culture, we believe that the time to start worrying about sex comes with puberty, as nature dictates. Before then, we do all we can to preserve the innocence of children. This has nothing to do with sexual orientation. While it is true that the sexual education we provide is strongly focused on the union between men and women, we do not hide nor demonize the fact that there are people who are attracted by the same sex or like to dress up like you. However, you should forget the word 'queer' which has no meaning for us other than to indicate those who use it as possible agents of the Party. Also consider that if someone made fun of you or insulted you, this would not constitute an infringement for us, and least of all a 'micro-rape'. We don't care about these skirmishes at all unless they degenerate into objectively persecutory or criminal behavior. You will no longer find an infernal dictatorship that protects your feelings by controlling every single breath of everybody. It will be down to you to earn the respect of others, as it happens in the free world".
Bubbarella remained in silence. She found this life change for which a door had suddenly opened strangely attractive, just as she found Demian’s style attractive even if she knew little about the counterculture he preached about but which had started to sound to her much wiser and more human than the Party’s propaganda (which she was fed up with). She felt neither diminished nor threatened by the limitations Demian had set. She had always avoided performing for kids and was secretly disgusted by her colleagues who went to kindergartens every week to give children their mandatory drag storytime, because she knew some of them were pedophiles. Even though the Party considered pedophilia as “just a preference", she hated pedophiles since she had been a victim of one in her childhood.
Demian left Bubbarella to her thoughts and turned to the audience, raising his voice to be heard among all the boos and grunts. “I came here to speak about a new deal between men and women that can save humankind from this huge and potentially fatal fall,” said Demian, “but I see we are stuck with sex and what you folks would call ‘LGBTQIAFDNEOHGPC3SK12AHBRR+ issues’, when there is still so much I have to say that is fundamental. To move forward, I will now talk to you, hopefully once and for all, about the way we treat gays, lesbians, and trans in our culture”.
The noise from the crowd grew in intensity, as they were trying to prevent him from speaking and breaking taboos, which to their brainwashed minds was the ultimate insanity. In part, they were also scared because they knew that just hearing forbidden speech was enough to be sent to re-education camps, from which some never returned.
Bubbarella, in the meantime, had emerged from her ruminations. She had the look of someone who had just awakened and the enchanted smile that comes from a good dream. She looked at Demian and nodded her head. Then leaned close to his ear and said “Let me take care of this”.
Bubbarella took the microphone and addressed the crowd: “Silence, sisters! Let him speak! Have you ever heard the saying 'know your enemy'? Well, now you have the opportunity to know what PENO, the Public Enemy Number One, thinks. The Party will send you to re-education camps anyway just for being here, listening to him a little more won't make any difference. If you need further motivation to shut up, just look at your comrades next to you turned into bitches. While for some of them we can probably say that this was not really a transformation, you certainly don't want to become real grunting bitches yourselves as the one who is in charge here and now promised to those who won’t let him speak."
Bubbarella’s appeal, mostly due to the threat it contained, managed to calm the audience and Demian could continue his speech.
“Let’s speak about LGBTQIAFDNEOHGPC3SK12AHBRR+ issues, then” said Demian. “First of all, I shall clarify that we reject gender theory, for us and nature there are only two genders: male and female. We consider that theory as less grounded in objective reality than flat earth theory, which at least was reasonable to believe in when people didn’t know better. The horizon, indeed, looks horizontal, while doubts about who is a man and who is a woman, in the history of humankind, have never occurred to anyone outside of your insane culture".
“We refer to what you call 'LGBTQIAFDNEOHGPC3SK12AHBRR+' as 'alphabet diarrhea', a forbidden expression for you that would lead to an immediate freeze on your bank account if you ever pronounce it. We don't hate those who identify as alphabet diarrhea even though we loathe their horrid, messy brownish flag that once had the colors of the rainbow. We think that Diarrheans are prisoners of a propaganda-induced hallucination, from which we hope they wake up before their best years slip away. Diarrheans consider themselves victims of everything and we too consider them victims since they have been plagiarized at an early age by the Party. Although their existence has been thrown into a cesspool since kindergarten, they remain endowed with brains and free will, therefore when it comes to judging hostile actions by Diarrhean groups against the Resistance we consider their condition a mitigating factor, not an excuse”.
“While we reject Diarrhean ideology, we recognize same-sex attraction as a cross-cultural phenomenon independent from ideology. While The Creator has given sex to its creatures for the purpose of reproduction, not pleasure, which is just a lure, we consider it wise within an advanced civilization to allow sensuality and love in all its expressions, as long as it’s among consenting adults, in private, away from children, and it doesn’t become a demon like in your ultra-decadent society”.
“Some promiscuity can be enriching and is almost necessary for young adults, and especially men, to earn experience and evolve. It is part of the joys of life, even if it can be fraught with chaos and consequences. While people may lose themselves in promiscuity and sex addiction, they would risk not even starting to find themselves if we carried the iron repression of traditional societies into these new digital times which tend to isolate individuals".
“The digital age is the age of the individual, the age of robots, of emancipation from work, of liberated women. It’s here to stay, there is no way back. The eternal wisdom of tradition needed a new vehicle to return to being a life-sustaining wellspring able to nourish the hearts of digital humans, to inspire in them good thoughts and good actions, and a new form of civilization. It found this vehicle in Demianism, which resurrects the Creator from the Nietzschean grave, puts humanity back at the center of the universe, and assigns to it a precise purpose that you should already be able to guess by now. But I don't want to digress, this is a discussion for other occasions”.
“Being against promiscuity and pornography and at the same time being against sexual repression means preaching moderation, knowledge, and self-control in relation to sex. We tell our young adults that they need to learn to keep sex on a leash, because if they are the ones being dragged by sex on a leash they will easily end up lost and in dark places. Many will get lost anyway, because the lure of sex is strong, but at least our culture offers them the tools and conditions to find and renew themselves while yours is just pushing everyone down into a spiral of endless depravity and despair.”
“We refuse to reduce people’s identity to their sexual preferences or fetishes as you do in your culture. We find it dehumanizing. Sexual desire is an integral part of your lives, but if you let it define who you are we don't see how your existence can be meaningful, fruitful, and joyful beyond a few fleeting moments of ecstasy."
“We believe it is wise to contain promiscuity and sex addiction by placing a veil on sex, confining it to private contexts. We are certainly not the only ones in history who think this is wise. You are the only ones who think the opposite is wise, and your demonic results are testimony to the validity of the wisdom of tradition”.
“The veil we place over sex not only helps contain the decadence that can result from it, but also increases the desire people feel for each other. Mystery makes sex more vital, exciting, and adventurous, while extreme exposure to pornography, exhibitionism, and sexual stimulation in general degrades sex and corrupts your soul."
“We are not bigots or sexphobes like your propaganda tells you. While it is true that our women tend to avoid dressing in public in a way that can cause sexual arousal, in our society people have sex quite regularly. Our birth rate is twelve times higher than your extinction-leading one. It is more the babies you abort than those you let live! There are only 265 million humans left in this world: fighting your insanity is not just sacrosanct, but also a matter of survival of the species”.
“I would also add that people in our culture generally find sex more gratifying than in yours because for us sex is more about loving than using, more about communion than self-gratification, and never with robots. So I'm speaking from hearsay, eh eh”.
Demian's chuckle appalled the crowd of feminists, who remained petrified. Demian's disciples, on the other hand, were giggling under the stage, accustomed to their messiah's jokes. Also Bubbarella laughed and was amazed by how that miraculous robot could alternate depth and solemnity that were almost biblical with colloquial language and a sense of humor that could verge on the coarse. He could switch from anathemas to light jokes. He was sweet and kind but he could be tough and sometimes terrible, as the pigs in the audience had learned. She was raptured and admired by that contrast and she felt certain that she had found her master. Cecilia, who had meanwhile come down from the stage and joined the disciples, was listening with devotion to the words of her master to whom, inside herself, she had already entrusted her life, aware that it was up to her to make it fruitful. She smiled at that joke too, awaiting new words of life from him. Lucero, who had followed Cecilia, however, was not laughing. She sat crouched and thoughtful, listening to him, initially surprised that she wasn't suffering from a heartbreak that would have normally torn her apart for months. Her attention was now entirely on Demian, who had touched her in a brutal but truthful and profound way. Lucero was a spiritual type, who believed more in angels than robots. Yet that robot began to seem to her like an angel given the powerful experience he gave her and the miracles she had witnessed. She hadn't yet converted to him, but she was already starting to see things from a new perspective and she eagerly waited to hear what this robotic angel had to offer to gays and lesbians like her.
“Differently to what your propaganda says,” continued Demian, “we tolerate and accept homosexuality. We just don’t promote it and celebrate it to the point of exhaustion like you do, especially with minors. Our schools are free from brownish Diarrhean flags. More than the sodomy of tradition, what we fear is the extreme promiscuity that often accompanies it since decadence arises from promiscuity. What we strongly promote and celebrate instead is the love between men and women, the family, and the values that can keep them together and help them prosper. This does not mean that we are trying to erase homosexuals in the same way that your regime seeks to destroy the nuclear family”.
“In our culture, we consider everyone as equally worthy as an individual soul, therefore also as a person. Everyone enjoys similar rights, although we don’t remain hypocritically blind like you do to the obvious differences between people, especially if these differences have an impact on our society. For example, we recognize the nuclear family father-mother-and child as the sacred furnace of civilization and as the fundamental building block for a healthy and virtuous one. For obvious reasons, we cannot place equal value on same-sex couples. We recognize a difference not because we hate gays as your propaganda tells you but for the love of truth and survival of the species, which we consider more important than not hurting the feelings of some indoctrinated fool animated by narcissistic victimhood”.
“While promoting and favoring the natural family, we are very inclusive of same-sex couples compared to ancient traditions. Around 5% of the members of the Resistance are gays who live their lives with dignity among us without much exhibitionism or waving brownish flags. Their contribution to our society is important and they are overall well-integrated”.
“In our society, same-sex couples can access not only Civil Unions but also Sacred Unions. I will explain later in detail the two types of unions we allow, both with legal weight, because they are an important cultural innovation we are bringing. For now, just consider that although Demianism is the main faith within the Resistance, we have a good 30% of believers from other faiths or non-believers who coexist peacefully. In our society, the majority of Christian and Muslim marriages are registered by the spouses as Sacred Unions, which better reflect the complementarity of the roles we find in traditions, and are more difficult to get into and get out of. The main fruit we expect from the sacredness of these unions is children raised by close-knit loving parents to become worthy, valiant, and fulfilled adults. Couples who cannot have children between them, including same-sex couples, are unable to provide this primary fruit. However, we also recognize sacredness in the virtuous dynamics in a couple that lead both parties to growth, as to say to experience a mutual positive evolution and achieve through complementarity a sum of forces in which one plus one equals three, from which society can also greatly benefit. Even same-sex couples are able to reach this level of sacredness, therefore they, as well as any couple of adults with serious intentions, are granted access to Sacred Unions, although they tend to prefer Civil Unions which are easier to establish and dissolve and are more based on naive secular equality, which I don’t recommend but allow in the spirit of these new times. Do you realize how revolutionary our innovation is? Homosexuals throughout history have always been poorly tolerated or, more frequently, persecuted. We, as first, recognize that their union can be sacred. Do you understand how ridiculous it is to call us homophobic?”
A voice from the crowd interrupted Demian: “What about LGBTQIAFDNEOHGPC3SK12AHBRR+ families?”. It belonged to a young feminist with fuchsia hair. It took her twelve seconds to pronounce those four words.
“As much as it may sound strange to you,” Demian replied, “our gays tend not to get women pregnant and our lesbians tend not to sleep with men, so it’s rare for them to become parents. Call them old school, but that’s what they do. Like it or not, the union of same-sex couples is sterile, that’s how nature works and your Frankenstein transhumanist medicine will never change this fact. We don’t allow surrogate mothers like you do, we see it as the worst possible form of prostitution and a crime against women and children. We forbid also sperm banks, as we reject the idea of children coming to this world fatherless by design. In our culture, the desire of some homosexuals to become parents has to bow to reality and to the interest of children, which we put above the desires of adults”.
“Only the union of a woman and a man can generate new life. We consider anyone who questions this eternal and immutable truth to be mentally disturbed. We recognize that children and their natural parents have the mutual right to interface with each other and anyone who tries to tamper with or violate this right is considered a criminal, starting with your crazy regime. In our society, if a lesbian wishing to become a mother used a man for the purpose, she would not be able to take away from that man his rights and duties as a father, even if he agreed, and her lesbian partner would have no rights towards the child. We don't like adults who want to have children with the same spirit with which adolescents want a pet. They almost always turn out to be terrible parents. In our culture, it is very rare to have immature and selfish parents like the ones you celebrate because not only do we not celebrate them but we make them feel ashamed. Because they should feel ashamed".
“There is still a path for same-sex couples who want to become parents: adoption. But they have less priority than straight couples because we believe that exposure to the male/female dyad is important for the healthy development of a child's psyche and that having two same-sex parents is less ideal (as well as formally impossible). To you this may seem like discrimination, but we consider it a generous concession that has met with strong resistance within our community, based also on the evidence that comes from your regime where child abuse, mental health problems, and criminal behavior are much more frequent among those raised by same-sex couples, even more frequent than among those raised by single mums, who in our culture are rare and usually widows”.
“In the end, the spirit of 2kTenCom, our commandments that came before me way back in 2015, prevailed. ‘Find your other half and prosper together in love’ says the fifth commandment. The way in which it is formulated invites openness and has contributed to overcoming resistance in our community, which has agreed not only to open Sacred Unions to same-sex couples but also to allow them to adopt. Because of their lower priority on the list, same-sex couples tend to be assigned children that others are less likely to adopt, for example because they have disabilities or illnesses. But those who are truly motivated to become parents take it as a mission and often prove to be wonderful parents to those unfortunate children. The example of care and compassion that same-sex couples provide has earned them the respect of Christians and Muslims alike. Apparently, the damage that children suffer from same-sex couples is mainly caused by your crazy and perverse culture that pushes to pursue absolute hedonism, where corrupting the innocence of children is the norm, and pedophilia is 'just a preference' ”.
At least one-third of the women were now listening with attention. They had never heard words like these. While in part they caused repulsion in them due to a lifetime of indoctrination, at the same time they felt in their hearts that they were not motivated by hatred and that they responded to natural law more than the laws of the Party, which they blindly followed without dragging any joy from them.
“To conclude this long parenthesis,” continued Demian, “I will say something about the most privileged caste within your society: trans people. In our society, as in every society that has ever existed except yours, what you call trans people are very rare. Maybe because you are the only culture in history that cannot distinguish between males and females. You think that biology and genes don't matter, or matter less than desires mostly induced by your depraved propaganda. You teach children who are just beginning to speak that if they prefer pink to blue perhaps it is a sign that they were born in the wrong body. This is not only delusional but constitutes child abuse and is only a fraction of the child abuse that happens under the Party’s rule. The biggest abusers are women, devouring mothers ready to sacrifice their children in order to obtain virtue points with the regime",
Many in the audience, even those who were beginning to appreciate Demian's words, were shocked by what he said. Trans children and their single mothers were the most celebrated family model in their culture, there was no movie that didn't represent it. Some of those present had been awarded by the Party as "Fabulous Mums" for having successfully led their children to genital mutilation. A feminist who had just transitioned her porn-addicted twelve-year-old son, the only one she chose not to abort, wanted to shout something nasty at Demian, but she didn't dare.
“Truly I say to you that nobody is born in the wrong body,” Demian continued. “We all have the body that was destined for us and we must respect it and take care of it. There are men who feel more like women and vice versa, and people who like to live by mimicking the opposite sex, often because this excites them sexually, but denying your own nature or believing you can erase it is an illusion that leads to delusion, which for too many has been bitter if not harmful and self-destructive".
“Many of the trans who joined the Resistance turned out to be gays with a fetish, often a temporary fetish induced by Party propaganda and social pressure. Many others were simply straight people who wanted to be acknowledged and valued in society. Do you realize how sick your culture is?”.
“For us your medical pseudoscience aimed at affirming the confusion and perversions that the Party itself inculcates in people's heads is not only forbidden, but also always criminal even if suffered by consenting adults. Your ‘care’, as you dare to call it, has destroyed too many people. The monstrous side effects it entails, including a manifold increase in suicidality, cannot be tolerated. A doctor who devastates a healthy body, even at the request of an adult, fails to live up to his vow. In our society, he would lose his license and would end up in prison in the most serious cases, such as mutilation of minors”.
“It's no surprise that the trans your regime celebrates hate us viscerally, but we don't hate them. We simply recognize them for what they really are, men or women, before for what they wish to be, which we do not feel obliged to affirm even if we tend to respect people's feelings, especially if they are kind rather than mean to us. We tend to see theirs as a form of confusion, in most cases induced by Party indoctrination, but it is also often a sign of an underlying problem, such as a trauma they have suffered. If someone is genuinely in denial of their biological sex, we treat it as a mental illness. But overall we have a compassionate attitude towards trans people, who, given their very high suicide rate, are granted free access to therapies not aimed at conversion but rather at helping them find more balance in their lives".
What the Party calls 'living one's truth', we call 'living a lie', which is at most a half-baked truth. We consider living at least in part for what you truly are and every single cell in your body states unequivocally as a matter of mental hygiene. While we fully prohibit and criminalize your gender pseudomedicine and the mutilation of healthy bodies in general, we do not prohibit people from appearing and behaving as if they were of the opposite sex. They can also change their name if they wish as all adults are allowed to adopt pseudonyms, which would still remain connected to their original identity which cannot be erased from vital records”.
“Although the word 'trans' is used informally among us, in our bureaucracy such category does not exist. We only have either men or women and they can be either straight or gay. End of the story. All the alphabet diarrhea you have developed falls into these simple categories. We do not give legal recognition to variations on the theme or fantasies. When you form a Union, whether Civil or Sacred, you can only do so with a man or a woman and this defines your sexual orientation in our system. Before forming a Union, your sexual orientation is none of our business, unless you are a pedophile or you are into bestiality since we do not tolerate such deviations, which, contrary to what the Party tells you, cannot be consensual."
“About half of the men you would identify as 'trans' in our system are 'straight males' simply because they have chosen to form a Union with a woman, who is generally aware of their inclinations and supports them. There is little hypocrisy in our culture, we are straight-talking, respectful, non-possessive, and open-minded people. As freedom fighters, we want people to live freely, but within reasonable limits and healthy values, so that we can have a virtuous and prosperous civilization and protect our children from a delusional and destructive decadence like yours".
“Those you call 'trans' would certainly have a better life among us, but for the sake of clarity it is useful to reiterate that we do not recognize them as 'trans', we do not allow them to ravage their bodies, we give zero recognition to gender identity and your silly pronouns, and we don't allow men to use female spaces like bathrooms just because they feel like women or are dressed like one, because we consider that harassment. If this sounds 'genocidey' to your trans people, they are free to continue seeking their happiness as sacred cows of your regime, the most insane, perverted, and self-destructive regime ever seen in human history - and believe me, there have been some extraordinarily crazy and wicked ones".
With these words, Demian ended his long parenthesis on LGBTQIAFDNEOHGPC3SK12AHBRR+ people. The audience of feminists, who had listened to him in silence, began to mutter. Some of them were shocked by Demian's words: in their culture not affirming trans people was a crime second only to killing someone who was not male, white, and straight. Few of them had ever witnessed such a crime and never from a stage. Intersectional transfeminists, whatever that meant (which wasn't clear even to them) began screaming in anger. Some women joined their cacophonous chorus, but overall they were a minority. Many in the audience secretly hated trans people because the regime favored them over real women and because they were forced to share bathrooms with them. Listening to those forbidden words, never heard before, was liberating for them and they struggled to resist the temptation to cheer. One of them finally couldn't contain herself and shouted: "Amen to that!".
What followed was a brawl between intersectional transfeminists and those who were fed up with trans supremacy, which quickly escalated.
Physical fights between women don’t happen frequently but when they happen they can be extremely violent, almost animated by homicidal fury. Demian from the stage witnessed a majestic example of female violence, with at least a hundred women tearing each other to pieces, a dozen of whom were fighting even in the body of a pig and biting hard.
“I didn't want to be mean to trans,” Demian said. “I understand that those indoctrinated by the regime see our culture, or any other culture that has ever existed apart from that of the Party, as 'genocidey', to use their expression. But this is what we can offer them. Those trans who live among us are fine with our rules and many of them are happily married".
But none of the feminists was listening, the fight was still on and it was growing increasingly wild.
“Not even your mighty powers are enough to stop a mob of angry feminists, sweetie” said Bubbarella to Demian with a smile. Demian smiled back. He liked Bubbarella, and also Mike. He knew they would join the Resistance as one.
While the women were fighting, something unexpected happened. The swarm of war drones was suddenly retreating, and so was the army of robots surrounding the protective dome. Above the transparent shield, the sky was clear. The feminists in the audience were too busy pulling their hair, punching, kicking, scratching, and biting each other to notice the event.
Demian put his right hand to his ear and closed his eyes. He remained still for a few seconds. Then he opened his eyes again and declared: “We have a problem.”
Suddenly the tumult from the feminists stopped, or better it became choked. All the women who were fighting, including those in swine form, now found themselves gagged with a red ball pressing hard on their tongue and bound by their hands and feet with metal ropes. Their struggle could not continue, many fell to the ground trying to free themselves from the bonds, but they could not find a way to do it.
“I am sorry ladies,” said Demian “but I need your full attention and I need it urgently. This place is about to be nuked. I hope this helps you understand how much the regime you serve cares about you. Looks like my words on trans triggered some Party leader enough to pull the nuclear trigger… The shield I have created can protect you from the impact but not from the radiation. If you want to live, you will have to come with me. I can teleport everyone to a safe location before the missile arrives, which should happen in about three minutes. If you don't like that gag I put in your mouth, be willing to shut up and listen to me and the gag will disappear and so will the ropes I tied you with".
Most of the feminists who were involved in the fight calmed down, and their gags and constraints magically disappeared. Others were in full panic after hearing about the imminent threat, and their gag remained on to allow all those who were willing to collaborate to hear Demian’s words.
“I have no intention of abducting you by force,” said Demian, “you must be willing to follow me, to a place beyond the ocean more sacred and safer than this, where I will give the second part of my sermon. Therefore I must already push you to choose whether you believe more in me or in the Party. Be aware that if you come with me, your quiet days of shouting at the wind and being celebrated for that will be over. The Party would persecute you and I hope the atomic bomb that is about to fall on your head will suggest to you that they are capable of doing that. But let's get to the point since time is running short. In the next two minutes, I want everyone here to think hard in their heads, guided by their hearts, who they trust the most between me and the Party. Those who sincerely believe in me the most will teleport with me. Those who continue to believe more in the Party will remain here and as an act of compassion I will remove the shield so that they can have a quick death."
“Just save everyone motherfucker!” shouted someone from the crowd.
“I would,” replied Demian, “if you ladies here were not one of the most vicious arms of the Party. You belong to this place and the bomb that is about to arrive is the Party's thank you note for your service. Only those who have a change of heart will be saved. You have 55 seconds from now to mature it. Please now all remain silent, close your eyes, and think honestly within yourselves about who you believe more between me and the Party."
The seconds of religious silence that followed were the longest everyone in the audience ever experienced, including those feminists in human or swine form who remained gagged and bound and writhing on the ground in mad fear.
For Demian’s followers, Cecilia, Lucero, and Mike/Bubbarella the choice was easy, but for most of the feminists in the audience it wasn’t. Although many were convinced that an atomic bomb sent by the Party was indeed about to hit them and wanted to be saved by Demian, their degree of indoctrination was such that they still believed that the Party was their friend and that Demian was an evil machine of the patriarchy.
“Pamela, you don't need to do this,” Demian whispered into the microphone, breaking for a moment the tense silence. “You will come with me anyway,” he added. The Black Widow stood in the background, made invisible by a hi-tech camouflage cape that only the elite could have. Even though she was scared to death, this time she was almost happy to hear her real name. She believed she was about to die and although Demian's attention meant she would probably die soon anyway like in her nightmares, this unexpected call was buying her some time.
The seconds passed inexorably. Many women were immersed in deep concentration, with eyes closed and hands in prayer, but many others were sobbing in despair and those still bound and gagged were freaking out as if they were possessed by a demon.
Then time was over. Demian, his followers, Cecilia, Lucero, Mike/Bubbarella, and 324 women who were in the audience instantly vanished, and so did the protective dome.
787 feminists were still inside the amphitheater. Those who were bound and gagged found themselves free from restraints, and those who had become pigs returned to their human form. They quickly understood their situation. Panic spread like wildfire, the women were screaming and running for shelter that was nowhere to be found, trampling on each other.
Their misery didn’t last long: 25 seconds later the nuclear bomb hit them and they were all instantly incinerated. None of them could be identified. They too had vanished.
☀️ Genesis: Similar in form to Genesis 1 from the Bible, yet a very different story... Prelude to Return to Eden, a modern epic providing new myths to help humanity survive and prosper in this digital age. Also available in Italian.
🤖 Gospel Of Demian, chapter 1: “A New Deal between Men and Women”. Warning: it may contain a total demolition of feminism and the woke left. Also available in Italian.
🌈 2kTenCom: the Ten Commandments for the Digital Millennium. A spiritual message received through dictation back in 2015.
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