Intuitive consultation with Barabeke
Barabeke's spiritual service to the community, delivered with a no-fee/free crypto offering policy.
My serving as the vehicle for the 2kTenCom (Ten Commandments for the Digital Millennium) make me come across as an eccentric artist and perhaps as an odd spiritual figure. I guess I am also that, to some extent. I am one of those intuitive folks who can see things in people. More than studying art, in life I have been seeking spiritual knowledge, researching all sorts of traditions, practicing disciplines from East and West, traditional and modern.
I have always seen my future as some sort of “shaman in the hut” whom villagers go to visit to seek some clarity and insight, although I saw myself doing it as a modern man, without rituals, magical devices, or divinations involved.
In case you haven’t seen it already, here is a video of me introducing my intuitive consultation:
Ready to serve the global village
So far, I have been resisting my call for various reasons, mostly because I think it’s hard to help people if they live immersed in the source of the problem: a culture that poisons and divides us, that plants in us fear, confusion, and anxiety, that promotes narcissism and selfishness, that soils on anything virtuous and graceful, that isolates, exploits, and mercifies us.
If you have already awakened a bit from the illusions of the mainstream and recognize how sick the dominant culture is, perhaps you can benefit from a conversation with me in which I will provide a message that is meant for you and can help you move forward on your path.
I take this as a community service, not as a business. My intuitive consultation can be accessed at least once by everyone in the global village, no matter who they are, where they live, or the size of their wallet. I can do it in English, Spanish, or Italian.
No-fee/free crypto offering based
“The temple is holy because it is not for sale”
— Ezra Pound
Like many old-school healers and psychics, I believe there is something sacred about spiritual services that would be profaned by treating them as commerce. I want people to come as seekers, not as clients. I want the freedom to not please without feeling I owe you more than a bit of my attention, given with selfless care and respect for you as a fellow human.
My intuitive consultation is free, although I stand for the traditional principle that if you receive a spiritual service you must give something back. In Eastern Europe, even the poorest would insist to give something to a gypsy who reads them the tarot, even if it was just a coin because it is believed that not giving anything back will bring bad luck. I believe the same, even if I see it more as bad karma/spiritual debt.
So, to have a consultation with me, you must be prepared to give an offering at the end. Up to you how much, based on your availability and perceived benefit - even if this benefit may not be immediately obvious.
As an offering, I welcome crypto. Whatever coin you like. Collecting my NFT art is an appreciated way to support me that is also an investment for you, considering that art can rise in value and can be sold.
I won’t question your offering anyway. In case you give nothing I wouldn’t curse you for that (you’d be cursing yourself until you honor your spiritual debt).
How will the session work
An intuitive consultation with me will be in practice a friendly conversation about you or something that concerns you, without any rituals involved. We won’t need to get into your personal details but I will need to understand the context and feel your vibes. Video call would help in this sense, but phone call can be enough. Texting, not enough.
The output of our conversation, which would last approximately half an hour, would be a personal message, as to say some words especially tailored for you, based on my intuition. Something to keep in mind. Something that could help you “unf@ck” your life, or at least a piece of it.
Please don’t come to me for consolation. I am more concerned with the present and the future than the past, as to say with change and personal evolution.
Don’t ask me to predict the future, that is ours to build, I can only see forces in action and often not clearly.
Don’t ask me what people other than you may or may not think or do.
Don’t come for healing actual diseases. I can’t help with that, sorry. At most, I can help people to help themselves (if they want and they can).
Don’t come out of curiosity either, and don’t try to trick me. I am not claiming to have any mysterious power, just a very subtle intuition that most of the times is spot on but that is not infallible. The more you hide, the less likely it is going to be helpful.
I am open to having people who consult me regularly, as long as I think I can be helpful, it’s sustainable for me, and you are showing respect. I can eventually also serve as a coach if that can help you reach or overcome something.
That’s the service I feel comfortable offering to the global village. Feel free to get in touch if interested.
☀️ Genesis: Similar in form to Genesis 1 from the Bible, yet a very different story... Prelude to Return to Eden, a modern epic providing new myths to help humanity survive and prosper in this digital age. Also available in Italian.
🤖 Gospel Of Demian, chapter 1: “A New Deal between Men and Women”. Warning: it may contain a total demolition of feminism and the woke left. Also available in Italian.
🌈 2kTenCom: the Ten Commandments for the Digital Millennium. A spiritual message received through dictation back in 2015.
Barabeke’s community service
☯️ Intuitive consultation with Barabeke. No-fee/free offering based.
Support Barabeke
🗿 Collect Barabeke’s NFT art. Follow the link for an overview of it.
💲Support the Odd Gospel substack with a paid subsciption (first, sign up for free below).
🙏 If you benefit from an intuitive consultation with Barabeke, be generous or at least fair with your offering.