A moral innovation for this digital age
For a future in which we, the people, can live free and dignified.
This call is for you, people of goodwill. Anywhere you may hide.
HERE IS a moral innovation rising at the dawn of this digital age, to push it in a humanist and liberal direction, free of totalitarian chains.
HERE IS a symbol that can unite, providing simple ethical common ground and a vision for future societies that is compatible with the beliefs that many, religious or not, already hold, and may be open to supporting.
HERE IS a north star to follow for designing new social and economic systems and artificial minds, which can keep us free, safe, and dignified in this millennium.
HERE IS a bridge between faith and reason, both weak today. A non-dogmatic dogma, a sacred scripture that gracefully desecrates itself, a philosophy that allows space for God without mentioning it, a mystical message whose value and necessity can be intellectually justified.
HERE IS a new gnostic tradition that is rooted in ancient wisdom but projected to the future, in pursuit of material and spiritual progress, sustainability, and world peace.
HERE IS a wall against barbarians and oppressors.
HERE IS a tool for a non-violent cultural revolution from below.
HERE IS the spirit of the law within a community of people of goodwill, to grow and evolve into a global decentralized organization, one that can have a real impact on societies and survive authoritarian regimes.
HERE IS a stone, from which contemplation a new civilization that is fit to survive and prosper in this digital age can rise.
This symbol is called 2kTenCom (Ten Commandments for the Digital Millennium). They came to me one night in 2015, through dictation.
They may look simple, and some commandments unoriginal, but there is depth in each of them and in the ways they interact.
Why do we need this?
The technology we are evolving can either liberate or enslave us. It will depend on the dominant culture. The current one in the West (resulting from the twisted alliance between the corporate/capitalist establishment and the postmodern “woke” radical left), and the likely reaction to it (rise of the far right, facilitated by economic crisis and overall decadence), both lead to new chains, maybe more subtle than in the past but much more pervasive and hard to escape.
The risk we are facing in this century (and beyond) is worse than illiberal regimes: it’s the "insectification" of humankind, as to say the loss of value, agency, rights, and dignity of individuals within a centralized system that enforces and controls behaviors in real-time, at a granular level and in automatic via AI, and penalizes or crushes those who don’t conform, maybe just for using the wrong word in private. That’s the type of mass surveillance system China is building (and already operating to a wide extent), that’s where the West is rapidly heading, with political correctness serving as Orwellian newspeak.
As things stand, I see the end of the free world as likely. I also see the potential for the collapse of our civilization and for crimes against humanity that could make those committed in the past century look pale in comparison…
Can you see anything pointing to a way out from the increasingly oppressive culture and system we live in and providing an alternative that speaks to our times and can unite people? I don’t. But I see this potential in the wisdom I have received, therefore I feel the duty to find a way to share it, to plant a seed that can be fruitful.

A message for all
I hope it’s clear from how I introduced this “moral innovation” that I am not trying to convert, but rather to inspire. The 2kTenCom can be embraced and supported by people holding a broad spectrum of beliefs. They subtly imply the presence of an intelligent creator, therefore, even if they make no mention to God, they revive God from the Nietzschean grave. As we dive deeper in this digital age, it will become evident why…
What they exclude is extremism, violence, hate, greed, people who are obsessed with words, intoxicated with their egos, feeling as belonging to a superior group, forcing others to bow to their ideology, and demonizing those who don’t conform. If we let such people rule in this century a dystopian future is almost guaranteed.
With the technology we are evolving, we can and should create societies that serve people better, as it allows us to assign, measure, and exchange value in previously unthinkable ways.
Money will always be part of the equation but does it necessarily need to keep being our only horizon and the ultimate judge of the fitness of our values? Is it wise and sustainable for the environment to keep pursuing endless growth of production and consumption? Does our right to a life of dignity need to keep depending on having a stable job in an age in which jobs are not stable and machines are rapidly devaluing or erasing most human professions? These are crucial questions for our destiny, also as a species. Not many are asking them, or pointing at solutions. I am doing it.
To build (and perhaps to even imagine) systems that work better for humans we need a strong ideology that pushes in that direction. The 2kTenCom could serve as that ideology, or perhaps inspire it. In their simplicity, they provide a moral compass both for individuals and for communities and a vision for future societies to pursue.
To stay free and dignified in this digital age and resist Orwellian powers who corrupt and divide us, people who believe in an intelligent creator (or at least recognize that there may be a divine presence governing the universe as well as our fragile existences, a harmony, an eternal law in which there is good and evil instead of relativistic chaos) should come together. The path I am pointing at to find common ground is narrow, but novel and non-violent.
Violence and slavery, I am afraid, is what the future holds for us as things stand, seeing the direction in which they are moving and how weak the opposition is.

Starting a counterculture
It's odd to find yourself in the position of having to manifest a new culture. How can you do that, especially when your views are so alien both to the dominant culture and the culture of the opposition? Those who have been there before me have founded new religions, but that’s not a path I want to take, I don’t feel it’s aligned with the spirit of these new times, and I don’t see what I have to share to be in opposition to existing religions but rather being an ally in reviving God from the dead, an upgrade speaking to this digital age we are stepping in (which I consider profoundly different on an anthropological level from the ages in which the main world’s religions arose). There is one Wisdom that can take many forms. This digital age requires new forms, and new words, to revive that eternal Wisdom and adapt it to a radically different societal context. I am not sure my words, dictated or inspired, can achieve it. But the series of manifestations, beginning in 2005, that led me to embark in this foolish and almost hopeless mission have been coherently telling me that planting this seed is my duty and that I'd be damned if I don't do it.
As a vehicle, I have to act according to my strengths and my limits. My main limit is that I am an eccentric artist from Italy who holds views that nowadays are controversial and make me a pariah (I strongly oppose the ideology of the woke left and I denounce the atrocities it leads to). I also have never associated with any party or parish, I am as independent as it can get. My walk so far has been rather solitary.
My main role as an artist is to inspire. The 2kTenCom, while being the founding stone of this new culture, are just part of the wisdom that I have to share. In the end I decided to share it through literature, since I consider myself more of a writer than a visual artist (even if so far I got some recognition only as a visual artist).
The vehicle of the wisdom I have to share will be Return to Eden, a modern epic I am currently writing, providing new myths to help humanity survive and prosper in this digital age. It starts with a new Genesis, similar in form and length to Genesis 1 of the Bible, but very different… You can read it in English or in Italian (I am writing Return to Eden in Italian first, as that’s my native tongue). The 2kTenCom will likely make an appearance at some point in the story, although they are not central to it.
Your support, in whatever form, is appreciated and frankly needed. Also your challenges, both spiritual and intellectual.
Thanks for your attention. May this seed I am planting flourish in your hearts, convince your minds, and inspire your actions.

☀️ Genesis: Similar in form to Genesis 1 from the Bible, yet a very different story... Prelude to Return to Eden, a modern epic providing new myths to help humanity survive and prosper in this digital age. Also available in Italian.
🤖 Gospel Of Demian, chapter 1: “A New Deal between Men and Women”. Warning: it may contain a total demolition of feminism and the woke left. Also available in Italian.
🌈 2kTenCom: the Ten Commandments for the Digital Millennium. A spiritual message received through dictation back in 2015.
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